Tuesday, 05 January 2021 09:18 Written by 
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Surge Generator

Surge Generator

Surge Generator is the backbone of underground cable fault locator test systems. Surge Generator is used with a Prelocator for fault distance measurement and also used with a PinPointer for pinpointing the fault spot.

SCOPE offers CFL SG Series Surge Generators up to 32kV and 2000 Joules. They are compact, rugged, user friendly and have all safety features in place. They are the ideal choice for fault location on all type of power cables. It can also be mounted in a cable test van for quick fault location if one wants to opt for optional van mounted configuration.

For prelocation it is used in ICM (Impulse Current Method) and SIM (Secondary Impulse Method) / MIM /ARC modes. In this modes, one also needs to use SIM Filter for stabilising the arc at fault. For pinpointing it is used as Thumper to create magnetic as well as acoustic signal across the fault, which is sensed by Pin Pointer. 



  • Compact, Lightweight and housed in a rugged aluminium case
  • Available with 16kV and 32kV Models with energy options such as 500J, 1000J, 1500J & 2000J
  • Ideal choice for fault location on all type of power cables
  • Backbone of Cable Fault Locator System
  • Generates short duration high voltage surge for fault break down
  • Used to determine the fault distance in conjunction with Prelocator unit
  • Repetitive surges applied for pinpointing the exact fault location in conjunction Pinpointing set
  • Supports SIM/ARM/MIM method for locating High resistance and flashing faults along with Prelocator and SIM Filter
  • Available with optional modes such as DC Hipot, Burn Down and Sheath Fault Locator Mode


Parameters  CFL SG1610 / SG 1620 CFL SG3210/SG3215/SG3220
Output Voltage Range   0- 4, 0-8, 0-16kV 0-8, 0-16, 0-32kV
Output Energy 1000J /2000J 1000J / 1500J /2000J
Impulse Period Sequence Single Impulse / 3S / 6S / 9S or other as desired
Measurement Mode Supported ICM (Impulse Current Method), SIM (Secondary Impulse Method) / MIM / ARC
Ouput Indiaction  Moving Coil Meters
Power  230V AC ±10%, 50Hz
Housing Elegant, rugged aluminium housing with trolley mounting
Dimension 484 x 360 x 580 mm 700 X 700 X 880 mm
Weight  65 kg / 70 kg 95 kg / 105 kg / 115 kg

Optional 'DC HiPOT' Mode

Voltage  0-16kV 0-32kV
Current  up to 12mA up to 24mA

Optional 'Burn Down' Mode 

Voltage  0- 4, 0-8, 0-16kV 0-8, 0-16, 0-32kV
Current  0-90, 0-60, 0-30mA in resp ranges 0-240, 0-120, 0-60mA in resp ranges

Optional 'Sheath Fault Locator' Mode

Voltage 0-8kV
Current  0-60mA 0-240mA
Test Timing Interval Single Impulse / 3S / 6S / 9S or other as desired


Read 5074 times Last modified on Tuesday, 05 January 2021 10:25