Adding another Jewel in Crown, SCOPE had successfully demonstrated Leakage Current Analyser - SA 30i+ at Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB), Malaysia. The Official of TNB had witnessed successful demonstration of SA 30i+ and were also extremely satisfied with the repeat ability of readings under charged environment.
SA 30i+, the wireless Leakage Current Analyser, On-line test system for Residual Life Assessment of Metal Oxide Surge Arresters
The instrument measures and directly displays the values of Total Leakage Current and Third Harmonic Resistive Leakage Current. It provides system harmonic compensation as per IEC 60099-5-B2. It provides Corrected Resistive Leakage Current after applying correction factors for change in system voltage & temperature.
The SA 30i+ can be pre-loaded with the LA identity details (LA Identification, Type, Serial Number,Location, Rated Voltage etc.) and tests conducted on the same ID of the arresters are saved under the same folder. Trend analysis software, SAData picks up this data and stores them in a similar fashion on a PC. This analysis software enables the user to take a decision to repair/replace the arresters considering safety limits.
SA 30i+ is designed to work under the hostile electrostatic noise found in live EHV switch yards upto 765 kV.