We received a P.O from APTRANSCO for 26 nos Relay Test Kit as a single order and this was the biggest single order received in the history of SCOPE for any product sold in India. This we were been able to achieve with help of PONOVO who came down in our support during the demonstration. This order along with it brought new challenges to execute the order in time.
As end customer was dispersed in then Andhra Pradesh now Andhra Pradesh & Telangana. Our Logistics team bring in their experience and delivered the kit to Main stores as per the Scheduled sites but for commissioning of this kit we have to visit 26 different places for commissioning. During this Bi-furcation of state came as biggest odd. After that once we started the commissioning it was Divisional support engineer who without break continuously worked for almost 2 months for completing this task. This gave us the boost & confidence to divisional support team that we can execute such order without much hassle.
Kudos to execution team!!!